
Your Homes Germiest Spots

A Quick Way to cut down on Illness

By Dawn Simmons- Downtown-West Atlanta Macaroni Kid Publisher February 22, 2017

It is time to win the war against household germs.  Here’s a Kick Butt plan to use.

Kitchen Countertops

After meal preparation countertops need a good scrubbing.  Make sure to use a product that is formulated for your countertop material.  Hit all corners and crevices around appliances, this is where the gunk builds up.

Door knobs and Pulls

All germs on your hands eventually end up on your doorknobs and handles.  These areas should be cleaned weekly as part of your weekly cleaning routine. Disinfecting wipes should easily do the trick.

Light Switches and Switch Plates

Using hot water, dish soap and a microfiber cloth should do the trick.  These little boogers should also be added to your weekly cleaning routine.

Digital Devices

We all have them but never think about the germs they collect.

Keyboards are crumb and dust magnets.  They can be cleaned by using canned air or a lint-free microfiber cloth over keys and into grooves to remove buildup.

Cell Phones and tablets quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria. Touchscreen wipes remove grease and residue.  If you are a germaphobe you might want to consider PhoneSoap.  UV lights also sanitizes phones while charging.

Bathroom Sink

The faucet and drains are number one on your clean hit list.  They are often dirtier than the toilet seat.  With handwashing, tooth brushing and possibly contents of your water the drains get extra grimy and faucets are constantly touched.  Bathroom sinks should be disinfected DAILY.  Spray on an anti-bacterial cleaner, let it sit for about 5 minutes then wipe clean.

Happy Cleaning!!